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 IronFangs Clan Backgound

The Begining ... since the new systems were found all houses went "berserk " in the race
for resources and systems to explore . This has a left somewhat a social chaos in the main
"old " systems , civilians exoding in mass to the new systems , corporations investing more
in the new bases and technologies than decent rule over their employes, pirates running
rampant and the lot. Navy was always in a stanby status and usually big batles between pirates
and navy occur .. it was on this disturbed time that two men met . They tough on a military
group that really take care of its elements and none of the spiced "lies" talk companys
use ..the Iron Fangs were born . As a group they do all sorts of tasks on which some were
contracted on exploration missions by house corps and other dirty enterprises .
But they never remain loyal to them and would b seen with other "enemy" faction ...
So eventually they ended up being hated and hunted by almost major companys , tough all
fear them and would not iniciate a direct hunt because of the consequnces , which might be
some millions worth of damage .

As they became experienced fighters they build a military role for the Ironfangs ..
they will also stand by the side of any pirates under house corps attacks due to its
"rivalry" and clash of ideals . And so the IronFangs will b roaming the universe
looking por a possible "rewardable" fight or who knows .. a possible home ...